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Holy Week 2021 | Thursday

This year, we're entering into Holy Week one day at a time. This Maundy Thursday, we enter the Upper Room & follow Jesus to the garden. We notice the postures of the disciples – around the table, eating, reclining, sleeping, denying, betraying. How might we be invited to prayerfully discern the difference between "my will" and "thy will"?
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Holy Week 2021 | Sunday – Wednesday

This year, we're entering into Holy Week one day at a time. This first video covers the events from Palm Sunday through Spy Wednesday and in it we see how Holy Week is a symbol of sorts for the full range of human experience. We'll zoom in on the contrasting postures of Judas the Betrayer and Mary the Anointer - where are we grabbing on, and where are we pouring out?
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Rainy Day | A Contemplative Prayer Gathering

In anticipation of "rainy days" during this season of outdoor church gatherings, we've created some simple and spacious prayer services to call on when needed. This first "Rainy Day" gathering was created by David Darnell and a handful of others in our Parish community. We encourage you to find a quiet space to meet with God as this video guides you in a 25 minute time of prayer.
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Being Conformed to the Image of Christ (March 21, 2021)

Learning to release control is imperative to spiritual formation. Robert Mulholland says, "Spiritual formation is the great reversal: from acting to being acted upon, from being the subject who controls to being a person who is shaped by God." Listen along as we continue the journey of being shaped to the image of Christ.
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A Journey with God (March 14, 2021)

Join us as we discuss Spiritual Formation and the journey of becoming more Christlike. This morning Jordan suggests this question of Spiritual Formation: in which direction are we being formed: as agents of God’s healing or carriers of the sickness of the world?
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Lent | The Hidden Heart (February 21, 2021)

This morning we begin our Lenten season with the Baptism of Jesus, and it is important that we begin there. Like Christ, our invitation into the wilderness is from a place belovedness and into a place of preparation, detachment, and fasting, but our wilderness journey is not without benefit. We move this way for the sake of our wholeness and our freedom in the hidden heart. Listen along as Jordan teaches from Mark 1.
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Epiphany | I Will Let Go (Transfiguration Sunday, February 14, 2021)

We see a mountain top experience on Transfiguration Sunday: Christ clothed in glory among Moses and Elijah and the disciples in awe of it all. Peter suggests they stay up there for a while longer, but Jesus must descend back down the mountain. This Sunday we explore what Henri Nouwen calls "downward mobility," and we share a breath prayer saying "for the love of Jesus, I will let go."
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