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Good Friday: Learning to Lament

Jesus knows lament well. As we engage Good Friday, we’ll hear him cry out the language of lament that he had prayed often enough that it now spontaneously poured out of him: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Using this video, we'll provide a structure for you to write your own lament.
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Good Friday, 2020: The Garden of Loss

On Friday, we'll create space to experientially place ourselves in the midst of Jesus' final hours, where lament and loss are palpable. How is the lifted up Savior drawing all to himself? And how can the most ugly act in history become a beauty that will save the world?

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Maundy Thursday, 2020: The Garden of Grief

Through music, meditative prayer, and Scriptural reflection, we'll listen in on Jesus' final words to his followers in the Upper Room. With the disciples, we'll breathe in Christ's Spirit of peace for difficult days. Finally, we'll travel to Gethsemane, kneeling in the garden of our own grief as we learn to say "thy will be done."

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The Upper Room Anchor

One way to experience Easter Week is to see it as a microcosm of the full sweep of human life. In one short week Jesus soars on the heights of triumph and acclaim. Days later, alone in a moonlit garden, he is weeping from the bitter blow of betrayal. If we're honest, such is the nature of life.
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My Uncle’s Heart: On Love, Grief, and Hope

Throughout this unique season, we're inviting members of The Parish community to share reflections from their own lives. In this post, Melanie Heineman shares her eulogy for her Uncle, who passed away last month. In Melanie's reflections, we find a…

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“Fear is a Liar”… is a lie?

In this episode, we reflect on fear. In the midst of so much unknown, fear is simply a reality for all of us in our own ways. How can we navigate our anxieties, stressors, worries, anger and irritability in a way that is spiritually formative and emotionally honest?

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