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Lent | Listen to Him (March 20, 2022)

“This is my Son, my Chosen” the unseen voice rang out. “Listen to him!” This week we enter the story of the Transfiguration with prayers and practices to help us listen. Like the disciples, we tend to elevate other voices alongside Jesus', only to find ourselves overwhelmed by all the noise. How might we create space through silence to amplify Christ as the Living Word in our lives?
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Lent | A Generous Story (March 13, 2022)

On the plains of Moab, the Israelites sat poised on the edge of a promised land. Just before walking into this new reality, God gave guidance on how they were to steward their practical resources. Giving, it turns out, is the inspired response to God’s gracious rescue and the through-line of redemption in their story. Might it be the same for us?
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Being Conformed to the Image of Christ (March 21, 2021)

Learning to release control is imperative to spiritual formation. Robert Mulholland says, "Spiritual formation is the great reversal: from acting to being acted upon, from being the subject who controls to being a person who is shaped by God." Listen along as we continue the journey of being shaped to the image of Christ.
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